巴克内尔大学 & 萨斯奎哈纳大学在校园种植森林缓冲以减缓雨水径流

刘易斯堡和塞林斯格罗夫, PA — 巴克内尔大学 and 萨斯奎哈纳大学 recently planted forest buffers alongside streams on their campuses to slow rainwater runoff. These forest buffers will help trap nutrients and sediment before they flow to waterways, benefiting water quality and wildlife from central Pennsylvania and ultimately to the Chesapeake Bay. 安装在两个校区的河边植物代表了超过4英亩的植物. 十大赌博正规老平台, 总部设在安纳波利斯的非营利组织, 马里兰, 总部设在宾夕法尼亚州, 协助这两项工作.

这个周末, 第16届萨斯奎哈纳河年度研讨会 将在巴克内尔大学举行. The theme is “Restoration to Resilience: Creating Partnerships to Improve Watershed Health from the Headwaters to the Bay.” Among the many varied partners working to restore the Susquehanna River are area 大学.


“Volunteers planted 100 trees in 100 minutes along along Smoketown Road on our campus to help improve water quality of Miller Run, 流入萨斯奎哈纳河,最终流入切萨皮克湾,”医生说。. 弥尔顿克. 纽伯里三世,可持续技术总监. “These plantings will improve the chances for stormwater management for the campus as well as beautifying campus and increasing the biodiversity of plants here with the inundation of both trees and 灌木 in this area.”

“It was an honor to work with partners in planting the riparian buffer along Miller Run at 巴克内尔大学,艾希礼·斯沃茨说, 宾夕法尼亚州切萨皮克湾基金会(CBF)的修复专家. “Keystone 1000万棵树合作项目, 由CBF协调, 提供原生树木和灌木以及树棚, 学校安排了学生和教师来帮忙. We look forward to continuing this partnership with the 十大赌博正规老平台 and 巴克内尔大学 to plant more trees on campus to improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat.”


“Three acres along West Sassafras and Liberty Alley that was maintained as open lawn for years is getting a chance to recover with hundreds of trees and plugs in the ground and seeding to take place this fall. It also offers an opportunity for students to participate in every step of the restoration process from planning to implementation and maintenance.淡水研究所所长马特·威尔逊说. “This conversion to a wet meadow and riparian buffer will improve water infiltration and reduce flow rates, 有助减低区内可能发生的水浸. The project has been a great learning and teaching experience with SU students and would not be possible without the collaborative effort from 十大赌博正规老平台 and DCNR.”

“河边植树, 通常被称为森林缓冲带, 是一排排的树, 灌木, 还有沿着水道种植的草. 这些植物有助于减缓接近溪流的雨水径流, 稳定streambanks, 并为溪流中的昆虫提供食物,十大赌博正规老平台区高级项目经理阿德里安娜·金伯林说.

“在未来, we hope these plantings will help source a different method of tree planting called ‘live stakes.’ Live stakes are branches from wetland tree and shrub species with their branches removed that can be inserted directly into soft soil to grow an entirely new tree or shrub. Live staking allows 十大赌博正规老平台 and partners to plant more 灌木 and trees at a much lower cost while leveraging local volunteer capacity,金伯林继续说.


十大赌博正规老平台 has convened a very strong partnership group known as the 活桩合作社(LSC) that helps support this live stake planting technique. LSC的合作伙伴包括十大赌博正规老平台协会, 宾夕法尼亚州自然资源部, 美林W. 我省国土水利局萨斯奎哈纳大学和巴克内尔大学. 每个伙伴都给团队带来了不同的力量, 包括志愿者, 领导能力, 地役权的网站, 培训, 教育等等,所有这些因素共同使LSC取得成功.

“LSC正在寻找更多的组织合作伙伴, 收集资料的地点, 还有志愿者收集赌注. 活桩是一个负担得起的和容易的修复技术, 这使得它成为大学的一个很好的选择, 大学, 小型组织, 或者志愿者组织. Students have an opportunity to be involved in something that has a great impact on the watershed and inspires them, 同时需要最少的资金和培训,金伯林说.


加强其在宾夕法尼亚州的项目工作, 十大赌博正规老平台 recently added three team members who will focus on installing more streamside trees in critical places to improve water quality.

瑞安山, 项目协调员/地理空间分析师, helps identify where tree plantings have the greatest benefit to support our precision conservation efforts. 精确节约意味着在正确的地方做项目, 正确的比例, 尺寸合适, 合适的时机. 这一运动正在重新定义景观保护的方式, using the latest high-resolution datasets to conduct geospatial analysis that allow for better planning and implementation of on-the-ground restoration and conservation best management practices.

弗兰克Rohrer, 修复项目顾问, serves as 十大赌博正规老平台’s on-the-ground person in central and north central Pennsylvania, 与合作伙伴和土地所有者联系,实施农业恢复项目. His work is focused on restoring streams and making progress toward the rapid stream de-listing of specific impaired waters in the region. Rohrer has more than 20 years of experience of working with landowners and partners to restore streams in Pennsylvania.

香农·托马斯, a 切萨皮克自然资源保护队 成员,作为我们新的活桩协调员加入了我们的团队. She is responsible for coordinating volunteer events to collect tree and shrub cuttings to plant more streamside acres with vegetation.

Persons interested in getting involved with this innovative restoration technique should contact Live Stake Coordinator 香农·托马斯 at sthomas@chesapeakeconservancy.org.

CBF选出下一任主席 & 首席执行官

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Board of Trustees has selected Hilary Harp Falk to be CBF’s next President and 首席执行官. 她将接替威廉. Baker, who began working for CBF as an intern in 1976 and has led the organization since 1981.

福尔克来自美国国家野生动物联合会, 她是首席项目官吗, leading and integrating national and regional programs while serving as strategic adviser to the 首席执行官. 以前, 福尔克是该联合会负责区域保护的副主席, 负责领导本组织的七个区域办事处.


Keystone 1000万棵树合作项目, 以及自然资源保护部, 自然资源 & 保护服务, and Pennsylvania Game Commission collectively added more than three million trees along local streams and in urban settings since 2018.

Efforts will accelerate in 2022, when the goal is to plant 800,000棵树 in the spring season. 需要更多的土地所有者和地点才能获得450个,000棵树, 由合伙人下令, 埋入地下.

除了帮助应对气候变化, trees are among the most cost-effective tools for cleaning and protecting waterways by filtering and absorbing polluted runoff, 稳定streambanks, 改善土壤质量和固碳.